Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Can Dogs Eat Avocado? What to Know About Avocados and Dogs

The post Can Dogs Eat Avocado? What to Know About Avocados and Dogs by Stephanie Osmanski appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on

Why is avocado controversial when it comes to dogs? It’s been long and often reported that avocados — despite being a scrumptious treat full of the healthy fatty acids, fiber and loads of potassium — are detrimental (and even poisonous!) to dogs. But is that really the case? Can dogs eat avocado?

Can dogs eat avocado? First, let’s talk avocado and persin

Dog sitting at brunch with avocado toast and coffee.

Can dogs eat avocado? Read this before sharing your avocado toast with your dog. Photography © Rasulovs | iStock / Getty Images Plus.

When it comes to the question, “Can dogs eat avocado?” one of the main points of confusion stems from the oil-soluble toxin persin. Persin exists in the avocado fruit’s seed, leaves, and even “bark” or skin. It’s a toxic, fatty acid derivative that in large quantities, has been found to be poisonous to some animals like horses and cattle. But dogs (and even cats) are seemingly unaffected by persin.

“Despite the rumors, avocado is not poisonous to dogs, nor likely to cats,” Dr. Justine Lee, a board-certified emergency critical care veterinary specialist, says in this Nationwide article. “Dogs and cats don’t seem to be affected by persin. However, birds and large animals such as horses and cattle have issues with persin toxicity, as it can be deadly in these species.”

While persin hasn’t been proven to actually be toxic to dogs, there are some risks in feeding your pup an avocado.

Can dogs eat avocado if it’s fresh?

So, can dogs eat avocado — in its plainest, freshest form? “Yes. There have never been reported cases of poisoning [in dogs who ate avocado],” says Dr. Jean Hofve, DVM, author of What Cats Should Eat and Paleo Dog: Give Your Best Friend a Long Life, Healthy Weight, and Freedom from Illness by Nurturing His Inner Wolf. “There is even an avocado-based pet food.”

It’s true. Vets even sometimes recommend avocado-based foods for doggos with skin and/or hair issues. Symptoms of hair loss, hair thinning, dry skin, skin infections, or a hair- or skin-based odor often indicate a deficiency of fats and antioxidants.

Low levels of fat can pave the way to dry, itchy skin and vitamin A and E deficiency often lead to skin infections, flaky, itchy skin and dandruff. Because avocados are rich in vitamin E, vitamin A and healthy fats, these power fruits are a great feeding option for dogs with skin and hair problems.

Can dogs eat avocado pits or seeds?

As mentioned previously, here’s the most important thing to remember when thinking, “Can dogs eat avocado?” Dogs cannot eat an avocado’s pits or seeds. While the avocado itself doesn’t pose a poisonous threat to your dog’s well-being, the pit or seed can cause an obstruction in a pup’s throat, stomach or intestines.

Obstructions are serious and can often lead to fatal medical issues, surgery and — in the worst-case scenarios — the need to put a dog down.

“In general, dogs (and cats) should not eat any type of fruit seed or pit. Many of them (such as apples and apricots) contain cyanide,” explains Dr. Hofve.

Cyanide is detrimental and potentially fatal to all animals (and humans). This is because a component of cyanide limits the body’s ability to allow blood to carry oxygen throughout the body.

While avocado seeds do technically contain cyanide, it is a very miniscule amount and not considered enough to actually do damage. However, owners should still be wary of feeding dogs the avocado pit.

Can dogs eat avocado in anything, like guacamole?

So, what about foods that contain avocado — can dogs eat avocado in anything, like guacamole? The avocado isn’t the part of guacamole you have to worry about. It’s often the other ingredients in guacamole that can be harmful.

“[Dogs can eat guac], if it does not have onions,” explains Dr. Hofve.

It’s the same rule as with feeding your dog tomato sauce: dogs should avoid anything with onions and garlic.

“Avoid all onions and garlic, as these are toxins and potentially deadly if ingested in high amounts,” Dr. Pete Lands, DVM, who runs, explains. “Spices and seasonings such as salt and pepper are safe as long as you control the portion size.”

While some veterinarians will clear dogs for a bit of garlic, other specialists in the field maintain it should stay off limits. Use your pet-parent discretion to make the best choice for your pup and always consult your dog’s vet first.

So, your dog ate an avocado — what to do next

“Watch him lick his chops and thank you for a nice treat,” Dr. Hofve says, jokingly.

But seriously, it’s okay if your dog enjoys an avocado from time to time. Be sure that your dog doesn’t ingest the skin or the seed or the leaves of the avocado tree and don’t mix the avocado with any garlic or onions. Salt and pepper — in small, appropriate doses — are fine.

Some final thoughts on dogs and avocados:

In conclusion, the answer to the question, “Can dogs eat avocado?” is that avocados are perfectly safe to feed your dog in small doses. Limit the amount of seasoning you mix with the avocado and make sure to never feed your dog the pit, seeds, skin or leaves of an avocado.

In the event that your dog ingests any one of the dangerous parts of an avocado or is exhibiting signs of ingesting the toxic parts of an avocado (vomiting and diarrhea), consult your emergency veterinarian immediately.

Thumbnail: Photography © tkatsai | iStock / Getty Images Plus. 

Read more about what dogs can — and can’t — eat on

The post Can Dogs Eat Avocado? What to Know About Avocados and Dogs by Stephanie Osmanski appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on

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