Thursday, January 19, 2017

See How Emmy the Rescue Dog Got From Georgia to New York City

Ever wonder about the former life of a rescue dog? Jess, a producer at storytelling website Upworthy, does. She fosters dogs for Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue, a volunteer-based organization that has rescued upwards of 1,700 dogs to date. Now living with Emmy, her eighth foster pup who became a foster failure, Jess is more than a little curious to learn how her four-legged friend made it to New York City all the way from Georgia’s SOAPS (Sweet Onion Animal Protection Society).

Chronicling her trip down south, and wherever else her explorations take her, Jess has created a video series asking such important questions as “Where do shelters find the stray animals?” and “How does a rescue group choose which dogs to save?” As viewers, we get to see firsthand what it takes to make a successful rescue happen.

Calling herself a “crazy dog lady,” Jess also shows some paw-print art she’s created with her foster pups, whose names run the gamut from Ellen Page to Mariah Carey. But the video heavily features Emmy, who’s just over 1 year old and loves swimming and jumping and playing and eating and sleeping.

As for Jess, she hopes to one day buy a farm and make it a sanctuary of sorts for abandoned and homeless dogs. For now, she’ll keep fostering and hopefully adding new videos to this important video series.

The post See How Emmy the Rescue Dog Got From Georgia to New York City appeared first on Dogster.

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