Friday, September 16, 2016

Ask Frank: How Did You Find the Perfect Hydrant?

Editor’s note: Earlier this year, we chatted with Frank of Ask Frank fame. This witty and wise French Bulldog dispenses advice over the Internet, on his blog, and in adorable videos. We were thrilled when Frank agreed to become a regular Dogster contributor. Look for his column every Friday on Dogster.

1. Homework Eating is Hard


Dear Frank: My human says his homework is going to be much harder this school year. I’m not sure my teeth are going to hold up to harder homework… it was super hard to eat last year! What should I do?

Sandy in San Antonio

Dear Sandy: If the homework is too hard to eat, hide it. “The dog hid my homework” may not sound as good as “The dog ate my homework,” but it still achieves the same goal. Good luck.


2. Hydrant Swiping

Dear Frank: How did you find the perfect hydrant?

Hydrantless in Houston

Play the video to see Frank’s answer.

3. Poop Indecisions


Dear Frank: I have serious poop-location indecision. I can never decide where to poop. Sometimes I feel in my heart that a spot is right, but then my head thinks otherwise. And sometimes I think I’ve found a logical good spot, but I just don’t feel it in my heart. How can I make a decision?

KaKitty in Kirkwood

Dear KaKitty: Trust your intuition. Your heart knows where you should poop.


Do you have a question for Frank? Submit it at

© 2016 From Frank, LLC. All rights reserved.

The post Ask Frank: How Did You Find the Perfect Hydrant? appeared first on Dogster.

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