Monday, January 25, 2016

This Bonehead Stole a Yorkshire Terrier Puppy and Traded Her for Crack

Florida’s 38-year-old Wayne Junior Barfield is a complete bonehead, so it was only a matter of time before he did something illegal that got him on the news. Unfortunately, it had to do with a dog — a tiny Yorkshire Terrier puppy, which was for sale at All About Puppies pet store.

On Jan. 12, Barfield walked in the store and inquired about the puppy, who had been in the store only one hour. He acted as if he might buy the $1,600 dog, according to Instead of doing that, however, he stuffed the dog down his shirt when nobody was watching. Well, almost nobody. The surveillance video cam was watching.


Now, at Dogster we don’t like seeing dogs for sale at pet stores — they often come from puppy mills and can have behavioral and physical problems — but we’d much rather have them there than down the shirts of people like Wayne Junior Barfield. He was clearly up to no good, and that was confirmed later that day when he sold the dog for crack.

Yep, Wayne Junior Barfield traded a dog he stole for crack — he’s a bonehead, through and through.

When police finally caught up with him after reviewing the video tape, he admitted making the bizarre drug deal, but he wouldn’t tell police who he gave the dog to. Barfield was dispatched to jail, and the story appeared to be over.


A week later, however, the dog finally turned up, in the care of Partridge Animal Hospital. According to, a family brought in the dog because she was sick — turns out she had an upper respiratory infection and intestinal parasites. Staff at the Animal Hospital knew about the pet store theft from the news, and, suspicious, they scanned their pup, named Cookie, for a microchip. She had one.

Thankfully, Cookie looks to be on the road to a full recovery, according to Partridge Animal Hospital’s Facebook page:

The intestinal parasites have caused intestinal bleeding and anemia. She is currently on IV fluids and is being treated with antibiotics, anti-parasitics and other medications. She is still coughing, but her chest already sounds much better and is much perkier today!


Once she’s better, she’ll be returned to All About Puppies, who are anxiously awaiting her return, according to its Facebook page. The investigations continues as to how the family came to have the puppy. After her adventure, we hope she will land a proper forever home.

Via; photos via screengrabs

Read about more boneheads:

The post This Bonehead Stole a Yorkshire Terrier Puppy and Traded Her for Crack appeared first on Dogster.

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