Tuesday, June 12, 2018

10 Types of Canine Pool Party Crashers

Put a pool in the backyard and suddenly your friend count is going up faster than the mercury! When your friends come over to beat the heat, their dogs follow to crash the party. Here are 10 canine pool party crashers you’re likely to meet this summer.

1. The wannabe lifeguard

A dog with sunglasses and a life saver on.

A dog with sunglasses and a life saver on. Photography ©IvonneW | Getty Images.

This dog wants to save your life but only succeeds in ruining your dive by dragging you out of the pool. He’s got the best intentions but can’t seem to tell the difference between a person who’s drowning and a person who’s splashing. Let this Baywatch wannabe know he’s a good boy (but a bad lifeguard).

2. The big drinker

This dehydrated dog is more into lapping up all your water than swimming laps. A few visits from him, and you’ll be paying for a pool refill. It’s best to play bartender and treat him to a frequently refreshed cocktail of non-chlorinated water.

3. The drowned rat

A wet dog getting a bath.

A wet dog getting a bath. Photography ©JimVallee | Getty Images.

Some dogs look adorable when wet, but others (much like people) have hair that cannot handle hydration. The fluffy pup that crashed your party may look more rodent than canine once his coat is coated with chlorinated water, so try not to be shocked by his sudden extreme makeover.

4. The sun worshipper

The humans are here for the pool, but this pooch came just for the pool deck. This heat-loving pup loves to sprawl in the sunshine, but too much sun can turn this hot dog into a burnt wiener. Put on some dog-safe sunscreen and shoo him into the shade every once in awhile before he wrinkles up like a Shar-Pei.

5. The reluctant retriever

His breed is known for loving the water, but this pooch doesn’t care about his reputation — he’s not putting one paw in that pool. “Just because I’m a Lab doesn’t mean I’m a stereotype! Let me be me!”

6. The BBQ beggar

A dog with a hot dog in his mouth.

A dog with a hot dog in his mouth. Photography ©Barna Tanko | Getty Images.

Nothing goes along with pool parties like an old-fashioned cookout, and this dog loves to find himself alongside a BBQ. Whether you’re grilling burgers, chicken or a package of franks, this pup’s gonna be your sous-chef and outdoor vacuum cleaner. Just don’t let him back in the pool for an hour after he “cleans up.”

7. The show-off

This pooch is the canine Michael Phelps, and he’s not letting anyone at this pool party forget it. His dives and strokes are more precise than those of any human party guests. Hanging out with this canine aquanaut will have you considering a refresher course with the Red Cross.

8. The towel wetter

A dog on a beach chair by the pool with sunglasses.

A dog on a beach chair by the pool with sunglasses. Photography ©Dirima | Getty Images.

What smells better than a towel fresh from the dryer? Definitely not one that has been laid on by a wet dog, but he got to it first.

9. The belly flopper

He’s got all the enthusiasm of a dock diving champion and all the skill of a drunk college student landing facedown on a waterbed. This pup’s got a pink belly, and it ain’t from a sunburn.

10. The party pooper

Party’s over, guys. We’re draining the pool.

Heather Marcoux is a freelance writer who swims (well, wades) with two dogs. GhostBuster was the only retriever in his class to refuse to enter the pond at dog school.Marshmallow is a tiny terrier who prefers to only go in up to her elbows. You can find them on Instagram at @ghostpets, and mom is on Twitter at @HeatherMarcoux.

Thumbnail: Photography ©Alija | Getty Images.

Read more about dogs and summer on Dogster.com:

The post 10 Types of Canine Pool Party Crashers appeared first on Dogster.

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